Termination of employment in breach of contract.
Examples for "wrongful termination"
Examples for "wrongful termination"
1Brian Olson left in 2005 and later filed a wrongful termination lawsuit.
2In 2010, Sheridan filed claims accusing Cherry of assault and wrongful termination.
3Employees may also be able to sue their employers for wrongful termination.
4Closing arguments on the wrongful termination claim are set to begin on Wednesday.
5Fired Penn State fencing coach files wrongful termination lawsuit HARRISBURG Penn.
1He is suing the Commission for wrongful dismissal in the European courts.
2McGrath claims wrongful dismissal and that SRU had defamed him.
3BOLTON defender Gary Cahill has had his claim for wrongful dismissal at the weekend upheld.
4Mr McGrath has claimed wrongful dismissal and said the SRU and its chief executive defamed him.
5He is also seeking damages for wrongful dismissal.
1Do you know the steps that must be taken to bring a wrongful discharge claim?
2Not all wrongful discharge claims are discrimination-based.
3Make sure that you review and understand the legal requirements you must comply with in bringing a wrongful discharge claim.
4Do you know that there are many, many things employers can do to perhaps inadvertently expose themselves to a wrongful discharge suit?
5An employer who has not followed specific disciplinary and termination policies that are in place can also face a wrongful discharge suit.
6Ten Things to Think About: Wrongful Discharge Do you know what it means to be "wrongfully discharged" from employment?
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Translations for wrongful discharge